Yeşil Fikir, Karbon Kredisi

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our services

Yeşil Fikir has three main services available. First due to Turkey’s status in the Kyoto Protocol we provide services to emission reducing projects that qualify as voluntary emission reduction and help our clients turn emission reductions into cash. We create the “carbon asset” – the financial asset embodied by the proper documentation and registration of emission reductions according to one of several internationally recognized standards. We take full responsibility for the process from start to finish, minimizing any hassle or involvement by the client – allowing them to focus on their core business.

Another expertise of our company is the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and the related dynamics. With the contribution of our partner Vertis which is one of the most active firms on project development and brokerage within the Scheme that reached 67 billion dollars volume as of 2008, we execute all the application, communication, reporting, monitoring and verification procedures for our client. We offer brokerage services for firms which are looking to sell their carbon credits or buy carbon credits in optimum terms. With access to Vertis’ international network for distribution and procurement of credits, we can execute auctions (online and offline), tenders, or bilateral deals aimed at getting our clients the very best terms.